The Story.

The Story.

To begin, Roam was a passion project born out of a love for research and travel. It was a representation of the way I liked to travel. It was also an opportunity to provide my friends with recommendations as I am often their 'resource' when it comes to where to eat, sip, sleep or play.

As soon as the holiday was booked, I would lose myself in hours of research. I would get lost in the deepest insta dives and re-surface with gold. Pre-conceived perceptions shifted and I discovered cities and countries through new lenses. Honolulu was no longer just Waikiki and the Gold Coast wasn't Surfers Paradise. It was all so much more.

On return from my travels, I would create 'destination compilations' and these would then be passed onto family, friends and friends of friends. And then, my phone started to ping with "look where I am'' messages which, would stretch as far as a dive bar that celebrates broadway in the west village of NYC, to a back alley Lei maker in up-country Maui who only uses native seeds. These little hidden gems and pearls of a destination were becoming my signature move.

It was at this point that the Roam travel guide concept was born and I had plans to explore the world. And then...something called Covid happened and travel was flipped on it's head.

Airports became ghost towns and borders shut down. Suitcases were being used to build cubby houses and passports were shoved to the back drawer. Instagram feeds were flowing with throw back images of holidays from a bygone era. Our world became very quiet and still.

After a few months of the surprisingly therapeutic 'quiet life', the veil of lock down slightly lifted, and we were able to move more freely. The concept of #holidayathome was introduced and so began the exploration of our backyard.

I started to realise that not all was lost, in fact, so much was found - I finally had the chance to delve into new territory. I started to Roam NSW. Within a few hours, I could jump in my car and be anywhere. One minute I was eating the best dumplings in a town boasting 175 years of history and in the next breath I was sipping a frappe waaaay better than anything I ever had during 8 trips to Greece. I have dived into remote waterfalls and blared the Brokeback Mountain soundtrack in riverside ranches.

I have fallen. Truly, madly, deeply, head over heels for Australia. We have it all here, right at our fingertips. The best part of this journey is that I am literally touching the tip of the iceberg.

Just wait till the borders open...



  1. Beck G on November 4, 2020 at 12:17 pm

    That is so inspiring. I love it.

  2. Prue Hawley on November 4, 2020 at 12:57 pm

    So true, how lucky we are to live in utopia.

    Looking forward to hearing more of your adventures and wonderful recommendations!

  3. Dee on November 4, 2020 at 3:27 pm

    Definitely! Couldn’t agree with you more. We’re not just the lucky country but also beautiful and so diverse. We are looking forward to more regional travel next year.

  4. Lyn on November 4, 2020 at 4:47 pm

    Your passion and expertise are paying off, u have made some great discoveries with I’m sure, many, many, many more to come! Go girl!! Xx

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